Saturday, September 24, 2011

Quick Trip to A-town

I am currently in good old Abilene Texas.  I love going to this cute little town.  It is just so quaint and friendly.  Jerimiah has been asked to speak at a church here so we decided to make a little weekend trip out of it.  We have had a great trip so far.  We went to the zoo here and it was alot of fun.  James has been to the Fort Worth Zoo, but he was really little.  I really think he enjoyed it alot more this time...I know I did!  We also did some antique shopping (my favorite) and played outside on Doc and Edie's swing set.  We even got to hang out with Pappa, D, and Polly.  We noticed a ton of monarch butterflies in the backyard.  I tried to get some shots of them but I didn't have time to adjust my shutter speed in time so they look like a bunch of blurry orange spots.  But trust me when I say that they were everywhere!!  I also had to include a picture of Jerimiah (and now my) favorite cookies: Peanut Butter Thingies.  Yes, they are amazing and they are always waiting for us when we walk in the doors at Edie's house.  Thanks to all of our Abilene family for showing us such a good time!!

The famous cookies!


James was very interested in all the animals.  He really loved the giraffe and the flamingos, but I think his favorite might have been the lions!

I think the ostrich is the worlds strangest looking animal.


Ok, this next series of pictures was taken by the little pond at the zoo.  We decided to give the fish some Cherrios.  As you will be able to see, these fish went nuts over them!  I have really never seen anything quite like it.  I know my dad would have loved to see this and jump in with his spear gun and catch some of them!  You will see the Cherrios in the 3rd picture below.  Crazy!

The Creepy Crawler Center really creeped out Edie, but James loved it!

These snakes freak me out, gross!

We got James a little lion.  These days he does a really good lion impersonation and it is really the cutest thing in the world. 

 A fun day at the zoo!

 James loves to swing!  We swing every single day, it's the best.

 You can't really tell in this picture, but I was trying to get those monarch butterflies.  They were every where!!


Boomer Sooner!!!  How cute are these pictures of James, Jerimiah, and Grandmother?  